A business or an individual can declare bankruptcy once they have ascertained that it has become impossible to pay off one’s creditors. It can give you a chance to start over from a financial point of view, as most of debts are relieved after bankruptcy as been filed.
Chapter 7, (Liquidation Bankruptcy) essentially means that your non-exempt assets may be sold by the trustee to pay your creditors. Non-exempt assets (property) means assets that are not protected under either State or Federal Law.
Reorganization bankruptcies can filed under the following guidelines:
Chapter 13 – (Reorganization Bankruptcy) is also called “wage earner bankruptcy “ as the Court would allow you to pay some or all your creditors based upon your non-exempt assets and your income. The law allows a person to pay the creditors up to a maximum of 5 years. A person can also protect his non exempt assets on a chapter 13.
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